Very very cute.
Arthur Conan Doyle's masterpiece that inspired generations of genious grannies and generally speaking weirdos to devote their lives to crime fighting, now on the big screen.
Ok, just a little hint on my psychotic profile: I spent a lot (a really lot) of my time as a teenager reading crime fiction, and I 'm completely addicted to this kind since I was 12. So,
What else could I ever asked?
I heard some people complaining about a bit too much violence or not so much mental agility apparent in this movie, but... have you read the original or you have just stuck with the image of the helpless but ingenious old lady as Agatha presented her detective hero?
The movie has this industrial english dark atmosphere that is so absolutely beatiful and intriguing, the actors are first class (Robert Dawny Jr. and Jude Law) and above all this is a movie you HAVE to see. And slap yourself really hard if you haven't read any of the original books. And read it, now.
(if you don't remember the guy on the right in the movie it's just because he's Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original novel, you moron!)
Thank you millenia of fanatics of this page once again,
yours (hahaha I don't give a dime),
Link to youtube trailer of the movie.