
Δευτέρα 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Soul Eater - aka Shinigami madness!

Soul Eater

Yep, this is the first anime series I’m writing about, and pay attention because this is definitely worth your precious anime watching time.
Just take the classic Shinigami – God of Death, favorite Japanese theme, add the even more classic “school with unbelievable death fighting students” anime story, and of course a list of fantastical psychic power weapons and out-of-this-boring-earth monsters and you have a general idea of what to expect.
But – wait – this is the first anime series I am writing about, which probably means that I like it a lot, why?
Take the above sterilized and used recipe and – after having a dozen of sake shots – add a lollipop-seriousness Shinigami Death God to rule the school, a full line of maniac teachers, like Dr Stein (does the name ring any bells?) – a lunatic with a huge screw in his head, Professor Sid, an absolutely normal teacher if you overlook the fact that he is dead – zombie, and split the students in two groups, one the fighters and another the weapons, and you have a dinner to remember. And it wouldn’t be nice to forget the Kishin, an unstoppable mad being – skinned by the Shinigami mentioned above - that seeks to destroy our – boring again – world.
The story is crazy, psychopathic in a degree that it’s probably not recommended for youngsters or newbies to the anime planet. But it has this quality, this mystery and as the plot unfolds you find yourself to be eager for the next episode. The whole series I think is completed in around 51 episodes.
Definitely something worthy to watch,
(8/10) as one fresh idea based on very stable standards.

p.s. Ah, and by the way, do you know what is Excalibur???
I am waiting for an answer after this anime. ;)

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